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User accounts are usually requested by the following units according to the Regulations & Contracts via the Account request portal. These units can also carry out the renewal of a user account:

Human Resources Department - Salaried Staff

Contact: Personnel Department - Tarif employees

Responsible for the categories of persons:

  • LfbA - Teachers for special tasks (LfbA).
  • MTV - technical and administrative staff, incl. trainees
  • WiMi - Scientific staff

Human Resources Department - Civil Service

Contact: Personnel Department - Civil Service

Responsible for the following groups of persons:

  • Professors
  • Professorship administration
  • Honourary professors
  • Guest scientist
  • Retired professors - Retired professors and professors who have been relieved of their duties

Deaneries offices

Contact: Deaneries

Responsible for the groups of people:

  • part-time staff (e.g. student and research assistants).
  • Guest scholars
  • Lecturers
  • University representatives - Representatives of the Jade University of Applied Sciences for the fulfilment of their tasks (e.g. appointment committees)
  • Other universities - Members and affiliates of other universities in Lower Saxony or universities outside the state of Lower Saxony on the basis of special agreements (e.g. IOL lecturers, Summerschool)

Student Affairs

Contact person: Student Affairs

Responsible for the groups of persons:

  • Students - Enrolled students
  • Early students
  • Guest students

The Student Affairs Department transmits all requests for student user accounts to the HRZ in an automated process.

International Office

Contact person: International Office

Responsible for:

  • Jade Kolleg

University Computer Centre

Contact person: University Computer Centre

Responsible for the categories of persons:

  • part-time staff (e.g. student and research assistants).
  • Steering Committee Chair - Chair of the Steering Committee for Cooperation with the University of Oldenburg
  • Retired - Retired professors and professors who have been relieved of their duties.
  • Honorary Senators - Honorary Citizens
  • Honorary citizens
  • doctoral students - cooperative doctoral students
  • University representatives - Representatives of the Jade University of Applied Sciences for the fulfilment of their duties (e.g. B.A.D., company doctor, Heinz Janssen Office Technology, members of the University Council, SBM, Uni-OL)
  • Other universities - members and affiliates of other universities in Lower Saxony or universities outside Lower Saxony on the basis of special agreements (e.g. IOL lecturers, Summerschool)
  • Research institutions - members and affiliates of cooperating universities or universities linked by international relations, research and educational institutions on the basis of special agreements (e.g. IfV, NIhK)
  • Related institutions - Members and affiliates of related institutions, bodies and authorities by special agreement (e.g. An-Institute, ASL, AStA, ESG).
  • Other persons - Other legal or natural persons by special agreement (INTEGRA, …)

In order to create a user account for these named groups of persons, the following information must be submitted to the University Computer Centre:

  • First academic degree:
  • First name:
  • Surname:
  • Suffixed academic degree:
  • Gender:
  • Date of birth:
  • Place of study:
  • Organisational unit:
  • Person in charge:
  • Responsible person:
  • Start of contract:
  • End of contract:
  • Remarks (e.g. name of the measure):
en/tp/uadm/account/application.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 10:23 by AN1198