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On the Contacts tab you can manage your contacts and group them.

Add contact

You can create a contact entry using the „Add contact“ button:

  • If you want to create a contact outside the university, select „Create custom contact“.
  • Select the corresponding group or create a new group here (see also below).
  • In the field „Add people by name or e-mail“ you can search for university members and university staff.
  • Then click on „Add“.

Create group

You can create a new group by clicking on the button „Create group“:

  • Give the group a meaningful name
  • Then click on „Create“.
  • The group will then appear on the left-hand side of the Webex Client and members can be added there.

The groups „Important contacts“ and „Other contacts“ are predefined by the manufacturer and cannot be changed.

en/tp/communication/webex/contacts.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/21 13:32 by vi1005