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The web app Contacts is a user interface for the CardDAV server within the Collaboration Cloud. It allows you to easily synchronise your contacts from different devices with the Collaboration Cloud and edit them online.

  • 🎉 Never forget a birthday again! You can sync birthday and other upcoming events with your calendar.
  • 👥 Share address books! Want to share your contacts with friends and acquaintances? No problem!


Web browser

You can use a web browser to access the “Contacts” web app in the Collaboration Cloud at Jade University of Applied Sciences at You may have to activate this web app first under Settings / App order.

Smartphone app

Apple iOS: In Apple iOS, the CardDAV client is already integrated in the operating system.

On your iOS device, tap “Settings / Passwords & Accounts / Add Account / Other / Add CardDAV Account”.

Configure it with the following settings:

  • Server:
  • Username: default login (form: ma1150)
  • Password: <your password>
  • Description: JADE-HS - Collaboration Cloud (or short: JADE-HS - CC)

You can then find your contacts in the Contacts app on your smartphone.

Google Android: In Google Android, you must first install a CalDAV client.

  • F-Droid App Store: DAVx5
  • Google Play Store: DAVx5 (chargeable)

Configure this with the following settings:

  • Log in with URL and username
  • Base URL:
  • Account name: your email address
  • Contact group method: Groups are categories of contacts.

Following this, you may still need to go to the CardDAV app and select the menu item “Re-detect address books” and then activate the address books that appear.

You will then find your contacts in the Contacts app on your smartphone.


Apple macOS: In Apple macOS, the CardDAV client is already integrated in the operating system.

Select the item “Internet accounts” in the control panel. Select “Add another account …” and then “CardDAV account”.

Configure this with the following settings:

  • Account type: Manual
  • User name: Standard login (form: ma1150)
  • Password: <your password>
  • Server address:<your username>/contacts/.

Finally, you should change the description of the contacts account you just created to “JADE-HS - Collaboration Cloud” (or “JADE-HS - CC” for short).

You will then find your contacts in the integrated “Contacts” application.

Linux: In Linux, a CardDAV client is already integrated in the operating system.

Select “Settings / Online accounts / Add an account / Nextcloud” and configure it with the following settings:

  • Server:
  • User name: default login (form: ma1150)
  • Password: <your password>

Then you determine what the account is to be used for and close the window with the “X”. You will then find your contacts in the integrated “Contacts” application.

Microsoft Windows: With the help of a CardDAV client, university members can access the contacts in the Collaboration Cloud of Jade University; here, for example, the Outlook CalDav Synchronizer is suitable for synchronisation with Microsoft Outlook.


  • Install - if not already done - the Outlook CalDav Synchronizer on your system.
  • Create a new address book with the name “JADE-HS” in the web interface of Collaboration Cloud in the WebApp “Contacts” under “Settings”.
  • Click on the 3 dots to the right of your new address book and select the entry “Copy link”, this will copy the URL to your address book to the clipboard. We will need this URL in the later configuration process.

Microsoft Outlook:

  • Start Microsoft Outlook and select the ribbon “CalDav Synchronizer”.
  • Create a new synchronisation profile with “Synchronisation profiles / New (+)”:
    • Select “Nextcloud” as the profile type.
    • Name: Contacts-CC-JADE-HS
    • Outlook folder: Click on the 3 points
      • New…
      • Name: Contacts-CC-JADE-HS
      • Folder contains items of the type: Contact
      • Folder to be created under: In the root of your account (click on your email address).
    • DAV URL: Delete the default and copy (with CTRL+V) the contents of your clipboard into this field.
    • Username: Your username in the default login (form: ma1150)
    • Password: Your password
    • Email address: Your official email address
    • Click on the button “Test or search settings” and then on the button “OK” if the connection test is successful.
en/tp/collabcloud/webapps/contacts.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/21 01:11 by vi1005