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With the help of the Web File Manager (WebFiler for short), university members on and off campus can access the data drives of the PC network system of the Jade University of Applied Sciences. Access is via a secure, encrypted connection using a web browser or a file manager:


Access via Webbrowser is essentially intended for viewing and downloading data and only offers limited comfort. You can access the WebFiler with a web browser at the following link:


Please log in with the Standard login (form: ma1150).

File Manager

Access via File Manager using the WebDAVs protocol with the WebFiler offers more convenient access, but you must configure your file manager accordingly.

Use this access option with caution. In some cases, WebDAV clients do not reliably handle the so-called “file locking”, which results in only the last saved version remaining when a document is accessed simultaneously.

Microsoft Windows

The WebDAV client included in the Microsoft Windows operating system unfortunately only works very unreliably, so you must first install WebDAV-capable software and configure it accordingly. The University Computer Centre has therefore procured licences of the WebDAV-enabled software WebDrive. You can find these

  • in WebFiler under JADE-HS - Data (X) / HRZ-Support / WebDrive
  • on the data drives under Data X:\HRZ-Support\WebDrive

Change here to the folder matching your operating system. After the successful installation, please configure it as follows:


  • In the above mentioned folder you will find the file Lizenz.txt, copy the serial number here (to the clipboard).
  • In the WebDrive client select Settings → Activate licence
  • Paste the serial number (from the clipboard) into the field Registration Code
  • Select the button “Activate licence”.

Configure WebDrive:

  • In the WebDrive client, select “Add Connection” (the + sign at the top).
  • Select the “WebDAV” card
  • Connection name: JADE-HS - PC-Verbundsystem (or short: JADE-HS - PC-VS).
  • Server address:
  • Username: default login (form: ma1150)
  • Password: <your password>
  • Drive letter: Y:\
  • WebDAV settings → Certificate settings
    • Automatically accept the server certificate: enabled
  • Click on “Save as”.

To use, double click on the newly configured connection.

Apple macOS

Finder / Go to / Connect to server …

  • Enter the following address in the Server Address field above “Preferred Servers”:
  • Click on the “+” symbol to save the location as a preferred server.
  • Click on “Connect”
  • Connect as a registered user
  • Save the password in the keychain.
  • The two data drives now appear in the Finder. X:\ and Z:\

Ubuntu Linux

Nautilus (Files) / Other places.

  • Connect to server:davs://
  • Username: default login (form: ma1150)
  • Password: <your password>
  • Optional: Never forget password (then the password will be stored in the local keychain).
  • Optional: Add bookmark and rename to JADE-HS - PC-Verbundsystem (or short: JADE-HS - PC-VS)
en/tp/datadrives/webfiler.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/17 15:12 by gu1111