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Drive Concept

By integrating your device into the pc network system, you will automatically get provided with a drive and folders. You can use them with aid of your Windows explorer after the login into the system. Generally, there are two drives offered for the storing of data:

Home-drive: JADE-HS - Home (Z:)

The home-drive is your personal drive, for which you are the only authorised person. Here, you save data that is not supposed to be accessible to anyone but you. Additionally, the university computing centre uses this drive to save configuration information of the software products used by you. The HRZ has set a starting size of 5 GB on drive Z:\, this can be increased with an informal request via the Ticketsystem at the HRZ service desk. Please note that storage costs in companies are a multiple of those in the home area and limit the storage space to what is necessary.

Data-drive: JADE-HS - Daten (X:)

(ENG: „JADE-HS - Data (X:)“) All non-personal Jade University data is stored centrally in the data drive.

Folder: X:\<organisation-unit>\

In this folder, you save data within your unit (special field, main office, unit…). You will always find the sub-folder „Zugriffsberechtigungen“ (ENG: „Access Authorisation“) within this folder, which informs you about your personal access rights considering the different folders.

Folder: X:\working groups\

Members of workgroups (German: Arbeitsgruppen) can find their folders in this directory. In principle, all members of a workgroup are authorized to write to the workgroup folders assigned to them; authorizations in subdirectories cannot be created. Staff members can request the creation of a workgroup via the ticketsystem of the HRZ, always provide the following information:

  • Name of the workgroup - this must reflect the content aspect of the workgroup (no names of persons)
  • Storage space requirement of the workgroup - this is set to 10 GB by default.
  • Members of the workgroup

Please also use the ticket system to subsequently change the members and storage space size of the workgroup.

Folder: X:\Archive\

Data to be archived - for example from completed projects - can be stored in this folder over a longer period of time. For this purpose, the HRZ creates a folder on request and authorizes the relevant persons to read this folder. A retention period must also be specified so that the data can be deleted again. If required, please request an archive folder via the ticketsystem and attach the following information:

  • Area: Data drives - Archiving
  • Retention period: how long should the data be archived?
  • Folder name: this must reflect the content aspect of the archive folder (no names of persons)
  • Responsible person: who is the person responsible for the archive folder?
  • Authorized persons: who should have read access to the folder?

After the retention period has expired, the folder will be deleted without further feedback - if necessary, set up a reminder if you wish to extend the retention period.

Folder: X:\Documents\

Under this folder, there are different documents (German: Dokumente) of the university (e.g. office templates).

Folder: X:\Downloads\

Under this folder, you can find several software-products as download-files.

Folder: X:\Committees\

Under this folder, there are documents of the university-wide, central committees (German: Gremien).

Folder: X:\HL\Organisational units\

Under this folder, every organisation-unit (German: Organisations-Einheiten, short Org-Einheiten) of the Jade University has a folder to submit project results, proposals for voting, etc. to the university management. The respective organizational unit management is therefore authorized to write to the respective subfolder.

Folder: X:\HRZ-Support\

Under this folder, the computing centre provides you with different files to support users and bug fixing.

Folder: X:\Teachers\

Teachers (German: Lehrer or Lehrende) can have a directory in this folder in which they can make files available to all users to accompany courses. The folder is read-only for all users, the respective personal subfolder is write-only for the lecturer. Teachers can request the creation of a personal subfolder via the ticketsystem of the HRZ, always provide the following information:

  • Storage space requirement of the personal subfolder - this is set to 10 GB by default.

Please also use the ticket system to change the storage space size at a later date.

Folder: X:\Projects\

Members of projects (German: Projekte) find their folders in this directory. In principle, all members of a project are authorized to write to the project folder assigned to them; authorizations in subdirectories cannot be created. Staff members can request the creation of a project folder via the ticket system of the HRZ, always provide the following information:

  • Name of the project
  • Storage space requirement of the project - this is set to 10 GB by default.
  • Members of the project

Please also use the ticket system to subsequently change the members and storage space size of the project.

Folder: X:\Transfer\

This folder has been created for the quick and uncomplicated transfer of files between the various user groups.

Please note that it is a transfer-folder: The content will be deleted daily by night, so it is not suitable for storing data.

en/tp/datadrives/drivestructure.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/31 10:37 by AN1198