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Network drives

With the help of the connection via the SMB protocol, university members can access the data drives of the PC network system of the Jade University of Applied Sciences with high performance - but only within the campus. This is done with the help of a file manager.

Microsoft Windows

Note: For devices in the PC network system, the drives are automatically connected.


  • Start / Computer: Properties / Settings for computer name, domain and workgroup / Change settings.
  • Change / Member of: Workgroup: HS-WOE
  • Restart the computer

Windows Explorer / Network / Right Mouse Button: Connect Network Drive…

  • Data drive X:
    • Drive: X:
    • Folder: \\\data
    • Establishing a connection with other login information
    • Windows security / username: domain login (form:
    • Save login data
  • Home drive Z:
    • Drive: Z:
    • Folder: \\\home\c1\<your username>
      • Example: \\\home\c1\ma1150
    • Establishing a connection with other login information
    • Windows security / username: domain login (form:
    • Save login data

Apple OS X

Finder / Connect to Server

  • Data Drive:
    • Server address: smb://
    • Connect as registered user / name: domain login (form:
    • Save password in keychain
  • Home drive:
    • Server address: smb:// username>
      • Example: smb://
    • Connect as registered user / name: domain login (Form:
    • Save password in keychain

Ubuntu Linux


# Installation of the Samba client
sudo apt install smbclient

# Configuration of Samba
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

  workgroup = HS-WOE
  wins support = no
  dns proxy = yes


GNOME: Files / Other locations / Connect to server …

  • Data drive:
    • Server address: smb://
    • Connect as registered user
      • User name: default login (Form: ma1150)
      • Domain: HS-WOE
      • Password: <your password>
      • Optional: Never forget password (then the password is stored in the local keychain)
      • Connect
    • Optional: Add bookmark and rename to JADE-HS - Data
  • Home drive:
    • Server address:
      • smb://
    • Connect as registered user
      • User name: default login [form: ma1150]]
      • Domain: HS-WOE
      • Password: <your password>
      • Optional: Never forget password (then the password is saved in the local keychain)
      • Connect
    • Optional: Add bookmark and rename to JADE-HS - Home
en/tp/datadrives/networkdrive.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/02 11:37 by AN1198