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The Jade University provides software for its relatives in various ways.


If you want to access a software product for your lecture or the laboratory that is not currently available through the HRZ, the university members (except for students) can fill in the Service request for software delivery and send it to the computing centre.

Depending on the checking of all requirements for the central provision of the requested software product, the software is made available in the HRZ software menu.

Software provision

The computing centre provides for every virtual desktops software about the software provision via Omnissa AppVolumes and ThinApps

In contrast to software distribution, where software must first be installed before use, software packages are shown here in the operating system and can, therefore, be used immediately without installation.

The provided software can be found in the virtual desktops in the start menu of the operating system.

software licences

The computing centre procures software licenses that are available via central license server or are available via Campus contracts.

Software distribution

The computing centre provides software via the software distribution via ZENworks for every system, which is connected to the PC-Verbundsystem.

Similar to your local software installation, the software must also be installed on devices in the PC network system first. However, this happens largely automatically with the help of our HRZ software menu. To do this, click on the desired product in the HRZ software menu and confirm the query that is asked before each installation to avoid unwanted software installations.

The HRZ software menu for devices in the PC network system opens automatically after logging into the system. If you have closed this window once, you will find the software menu under

  • Start / All programs / HRZ-softwaremenu.
en/tp/sw/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2025/03/17 13:41 von AN1198