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Service systems

Service systems are devices that are connected to the Jade University network and to which no user generally logs into interactively. These include, but are not limited to

  • Infosys terminals
  • Kiosk PCs
  • Smart meters
  • Whiteboards

Contact person

With this type of device, there is no direct assignment of the system to a user. For this reason, the client must appoint a technical contact person before procuring a service system. This person is responsible for maintenance and proper operation.

To enable secure operation of such devices on the Jade University network, the following conditions must be met.

Device name

The complete device name is formed from the host name and the primary DNS suffix.


The host name of a service system is formed as follows:

<type>-<MAC address>

  • type
    • dev: Service systeme
  • MAC address
    • The last 7 digits of the MAC address (without colons) of a network adapter installed locally in the device (see notes)

Example: dev-b5a7d9b

Primary DNS suffix

The primary DNS suffix of a service system is

Enter the host name and the primary DNS suffix in the service system.



  • Local network adapters are network interfaces permanently installed in the system, for example Wi-Fi / WLAN or LAN. Do not use the MAC address of a docking station, a LAN adapter connected via USB or similar.
  • Service systems do not receive permanently assigned IP addresses; they are assigned dynamically from IP address pools. Therefore, always use the name of the device for access.

Virus protection

If possible, the service system should - if available for the system - be equipped with suitable and constantly updated virus protection.


The following information must be clearly visible on the service system

  • Host name
  • First and last name of the technically responsible person with contact details

Example: dev-7654321, Max Mustermann,, 1234

Network connection

Like all other devices in the future, service systems must log on to the Jade University network. A special service user is required to log on to the network, which you can obtain from the HRZ Servicedesk by providing the following information:

  • First and last name of the technically responsible person employed at the university
  • Desired duration of the user account

You will then receive a personal service user with a password defined by us. You can then use this to configure the network connection, follow the instructions for wireless connection or for wired connection.

en/tp/pc-t/svc-systeme.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/18 19:51 by AN1198