Table of Contents
Mozilla Thunderbird
- Operation System: Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS or Linux
- E-Mail Client: Mozilla Thunderbird 45 or newer
- You own an e-mail account in the Exchange System of the Jade University
First Start of Thunderbird After the Installation
During the first start after installation, an assistant starts to help you set up your Exchange account.
Select the point Überspringen und meine existierende E-Mail-Adresse verwenden (ENG: „Skip and use existing e-mail-address“).
Setting Up A New E-Mail Account
Basic Account Set-Up
After making the appropriate selection on the first page, basic information are requested for the e-mail account that is being set up.
First enter your own name in the Your name field, followed by your E-mail address (usually first name.last or first name.last
Type in your password, which you use to log into your Exchange account.
After input / confirmation (Button: Weiter [ENG: „Next“]) of the information, the assistant searches online for the server settings of the e-mail account.
The assistant is not capable of recognising all settings correctly. This is why you need to correct them by clicking on the button Manuell bearbeiten (ENG: „Edit manually“).
The following details are to be adapted accordingly:
- Inbox-Server:
- Type: IMAP
- Server-Address:
- Port: 143
- Authentification: Password, normal
- Outbox-Server:
- Type: SMTP
- Server-Address:
- Port: 587
- Authentification: Password, normal
- Username (PC-login) in the form (e.g.
After these entries have been confirmed with Fertig (ENG: „Done“), Thunderbird starts the e-mail account that has been set up.
For an optimal use of the e-mail functions, some further settings need to be made.
Account settings for the storage of deleted or sent emails and drafts
Right-click on your account and select Einstellungen (ENG: „Settings“) from the context menu.
In the window Konto-Einstellungen (ENG: „Account Settings“), change the area of options:
→ Server-Einstellungen (ENG: „Server Settings“)
If necessary, correct the option
→ Beim Löschen einer Nachricht: (ENG: „When deleting a message“),
go to settings
→ In diesen Ordner verschieben: (ENG: „Shift to this folder“)
and select the folder
→ Gelöschte Elemente
(ENG: „Deleted Items“) from your inbox
Next, change the area of options:
→Kopien & Ordner (ENG: „Copies and Folders“)
There, the options should be adapted as in the following:
- Beim Senden von Nachrichten automatisch (ENG: „Automatically, when sending a message“)
Activate the option:
→ Eine Kopie speichern unter: (ENG: „Save a copy under“)
make the selection
→ Anderer Ordner: (ENG: „Different Folder“)
and select the folder
→ Gesendete Elemente (ENG: „Sent Items“)
from your inbox.
- Message Archive (optional)
deactivate the option:
→ Archiv speichern unter: (ENG: “Save archive under”).
- Entwürfe und Vorlagen (ENG: “Drafts and Templates”)
For the option:
→ Entwürfe speichern unter: (ENG: “Save drafts under”)
make the selection
→ Anderer Ordner: (ENG: “Different Folder”)
and select the folder
→ Entwürfe (ENG: “Drafts”)
from your inbox.
For the option:
→ Vorlagen speichern unter: (ENG: “Save templates under”),
you can adjust these settings, too.
Subscribing to IMAP-Folders out of the Inbox
If you are missing individual folders from your mailbox in your folder list, they may still need to be subscribed to.
To do this, right-click on your mailbox and select Abonnieren (ENG: “Subscribe”) in the context menu.
In the window Abonnieren (ENG: “Subscribe”), activate the missing folders in your list and then click on Abonnieren (ENG: “Subscribe”).
Click OK to display the list in Thunderbird.
Intallation and Set-Up of Calendar- and Address Book Functions
The add-on, which is used in the following instructions, is not an official component of Mozilla Thunderbird or the Microsoft Exchange System. The regular Microsoft and Thunderbird updates do not guarantee permanent functionality or security. The setup is your own responsibility and we do not offer any support for this setup..
- Thunderbird 38 or higher, as the necessary Lightning add-on is already integrated in this version
- Version 3.9 or higher of the “Exchange EWS Provider” add-on
The .xpi-file, which is needed for the installation, can be found ready to be downloaded here.
Installation of the Add-On
- Download the .xpi-file of the add-on onto your hard drive
- Open the Thunderbird application menu
, then open Add-ons - In the Add-on-Manager, click on the rack-wheel, open the point Add-on aus Datei installieren.. (ENG: “Install add-on out of the file”) and select the already downloaded .xpi-file for intallation
- After the installation, Thunderbird needs to be restarted
Setting Up the Exchange Calendar
First, click on your inbox, then go to Konten (ENG: “Accounts”) and Einen neuen Kalender erstellen (ENG: “Create a new calendar”).
The assistant Einen neuen Kalender erstellen is opened. There, you select Im Netzwerk (ENG: “In the network”) as the type of calendar. Now click on Weiter > (ENG: “Next”).
As the format of the external calendar, you choose Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013 and click Weiter >.
Next, you can define the name and the colour of the calendar. To finish this step, click Weiter >.
In the window Exchange / Windows-AD-Einstellungen (ENG: “Exchange / Windows-AD-Settings”), select Hosted Exchange as the Exchange type.
When getting to the details, activate the Exchange Autodiscovery Function and type in the following information:
Postfachname (ENG: “Inbox name”):
The email-address of your Exchange account
Benutzername (ENG: “Username”):
Type in the username (PC-login) in the form (e.g.
Then, click Autodiscovery ausführen (ENG: “Execute autodiscovery”).
Next, you can define the name and the colour of the calendar. Conclude with clicking Weiter.