Translations of this page:

User Tools

Site Tools


Evolution (Linux)


  • You have an e-mail account on the Exchange system of Jade University.
  • Evolution with „Evolution extension for Exchange Web Services“.
    • sudo dnf install evolution-ews evolution-ews-langpacks

First start

When you start Evolution for the first time, you will be greeted by the startup wizard in Evolution.

  • Welcome „ window: Click the „Weiter“ (ENG: „Next“) button.
  • „Aus Sicherungsdatei wiederherstellen“ window (ENG: „Restore from Backup File“): If you have a backup file from an older installation you can select it here. Otherwise click on the „Weiter“ (ENG: „Next“) button.
  • „Identität“ window (ENG:„Identity“): Enter the details below and then click on the „Weiter“ button.
    • Voller Name (ENG: „Full Name“): Enter your first and last name here.
    • E-Mail-Adresse (ENG: „Email address): Enter your email address at Jade University here - usually first name.last or first name.last
  • „Abrufen von E-Mails“ window (ENG: „Retrieve e-mails“): Enter the details below here and then click on the „weiter“ button.
  • „Empfangsoptionen“ window (ENG: „Receive Options“): Activate the following additional options and then click on the „weiter“ button.
    • Entfernte E-mails automatisch lokal in allen Ordnern abgleichen (ENG: „Automatically synchronise remote e-mails locally in all folders“): activated
  • „Konto-Zusammenfassung“ window (ENG: „Account Summary“): Here you can accept the default, the entry in the Name field designates this account in Evolution. Click on the „Weiter“ button
  • „Fertig“ window (ENG: „Done“): The configuration is finished. Click on the „Anwenden“ (ENG: „Apply“) button, this will establish a connection to your Exchange account.
  • Window „Legitimierungsanfrage“ (ENG: „Legitimisation request“): Here you check your user name again and enter your password, which you can also save locally in the key ring of your PC.
    • Benutzernmae (ENG: „User name“): Domain login (form:
    • Passwort (ENG: „Password“): Your password in the PC network system
    • Dieses Passwort zu Ihrem Schlüsselbund hinzufügen (ENG: „Add this password to your keychain“): activated

Evolution then connects to your Exchange account and the data is synchronised between the Exchange servers and Evolution.

en/tp/email/clients/evolution.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/23 22:03 by AN1198