Übersetzungen dieser Seite:






Deck is a kanban style organisation tool, which is aimed at personal planning and project organisation for teams integrated with Nextcloud.

  • 📥 Add your tasks to cards and put them in order
  • 📄 Write down additional notes in markdown
  • 🔖 Assign labels for even better organisation
  • 👥 Share with your team, friends or family
  • 🚀 Get your project organised


Web browser

A web browser can be used to access the web app “Deck” in the Collaboration Cloud at Jade University of Applied Sciences at https://ccs.jade-hs.de/apps/deck/.


  • Apple iOS - Apple App Store: No App known
  • Google Android


The Web-App “Deck” works with Boards, lists and cards. They can be easily shifted in your position via Drag'n Drop, to adjust them to the changing requirements.


The Boards represent the Theme / Topic / Service. In the Board-Details you can set up the following features:

Share: Here you set up the users and groups.

This is how to entitle them:

  • can edit: The users/groups can create cards and edit them
  • can share: The users and groups can share the Board with others
  • can maintain: The users and groups can maintain the Board with all its features

Furthermore, the Board can be added to the project.

Catchwords: Here you can edit, delete and create catchwords for the Board.

Standardly the following catchwords are available for all Boards:

  • Completed
  • Action required
  • Later
  • to examine

deleted objects: Here you find deleted lists and cards.


The lists represent a subtopic of the Board and is used for the alignment.


On the cards, the actual tasks of a section are written. In the features you can set up the following things:


  • Catchword: Here you set up the stage of the tasks
  • User assignment: Here you determine who is doing the task.
  • termination date: date where the task should be completed

Furthermore, the task can be allocated to a project. In the description field, useful information can be held, for all users.


Here you can upload related data to the task.


Here you can set up comments to the task.

en/tp/collabcloud/webapps/deck.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/11/21 02:03 von vi1005