Table of Contents
Within the Academic Cloud, the cloud service is offered with the help of the ownCloud software. Access is either via the website or with the help of software via the WebDAV protocol.
University members can use a web browser to access the data in the GWDG Academic Cloud.
- Open the website of the cloud service in the web browser
- Click on “Federated login” on the web page that opens
- Select the institution “Jade University” and click on the “Continue” button
- The Jade University login window appears, log in here as usual:
- Username: Standard login (form: ma1150)
- Password: <your password>
- Click on the “Log in” button
With the help of a WebDAV client (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning), university members can easily access the data in the GWDG Academic Cloud in the file manager. To do this, you must first generate a so-called app password and use it to configure the WebDAV client.
App password
- Log in to the cloud service website as described in the “Website” section above.
- Click on the image of your account at the top right > Settings > Security: App passwords / tokens
- App name: WebDrive
- Click on the “Create new app passcode” button
- Make a note of the user name and password created in this way (it will no longer be visible after the next step)
- Click on the “Done” button
Microsoft Windows
The WebDAV client included in the Microsoft Windows operating system unfortunately only works very unreliably, so you must first install WebDAV-capable software and configure it accordingly. The University Computing Center has therefore procured licenses for the WebDAV-capable software WebDrive. You can find these
- in WebFiler under JADE-HS - Data (X) / HRZ-Support / WebDrive
- on the Data drives under Data X:\HRZ-Support\WebDrive
Change to the folder corresponding to your operating system. After successful installation, you must license and configure WebDrive.
License WebDrive:
- In the directory mentioned above you will find the file License.txt, copy the serial number here (to the clipboard)
- In the WebDrive client, select Settings → Activate license
- Paste the serial number (from the clipboard) into the Registration code field
- Select the “Activate license” button
Configure WebDrive:
- In the WebDrive client, select “Add connection” (the + sign at the top)
- Select the “WebDAV” card
- Connection name: GWDG - Academic Cloud (or GWDG - AC for short)
- Server address:
- Username: The username generated in the “App password” section
- Password: The password / token generated in the “App password” section
- Drive letter: V:\
- WebDAV settings → Certificate settings
- Automatically accept the server certificate: activated
- Click on “Save as”
To use, double-click on the newly configured connection.
Apple macOS
Finder / Go to / Connect to server …
- Server address:
- Connect as registered user / Name: The user name generated in the “App password” section
- Save password in the keychain
- Site profile name: GWDG - Academic Cloud (or GWDG - AC for short)
Enter files / location
- Location: davs://
- Username: The username generated in the “App password” section
- Password: The password / token generated in the “App password” section
- Optional: Never forget password (the password is then saved in the local keychain)
- Optional: Add bookmark and rename to GWDG - Academic Cloud (or short: GWDG - AC)