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Google Android


In order to establish a secure, encrypted WLAN/Wi-Fi connection, the digital certificates used must be confirmed by the corresponding certification authorities. Therefore, before setting up the WLAN/Wi-Fi connection, please check that the certification authorities have been set up correctly.


Settings / WLAN: eduroam

  • (Security: 802.1x EAP)
  • EAP method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 authentication: MS-CHAP v2
  • CA certificate: use system certificates
  • Domain: (Note: This item is not available with all manufacturers and can be ignored in this case)
  • Identity: domain login (form:
  • Password: <your password>
  • Connect


If you are unable to connect to the WLAN eduroam despite the above settings, please try the following:

  • Tap and hold on the network eduroam and then select “Remove network”.
  • Restart the device and re-establish the connection as described above.
en/tp/wi-fi/google-android.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 10:25 by AN1198