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Display resolution

In the VD environment, a screen resolution of 4K (3840 x 2160) is supported. For GPU-supported desktop pools, a maximum of one 4K monitor is supported. If you have a higher display resolution locally and have problems with the display, you should first set the Display: “Large screen” setting in the settings for the virtual desktop pool.

Display protocol

Blast“ and “PCoIP” are used as display protocols in the virtual desktop pools. Depending on the local graphics card used, there may be difficulties with the display. In this case, switch the display protocol in the settings for the virtual desktop pool “Connect via” on a test basis.

Rules of Use

Within the VD environment, the “Terms of Use for the IT Resources of Jade University”, as amended from time to time, also apply without restriction.

Operating system: Apple OS X

  • Right mouse button: Activate the “secondary click” on your Apple Mac OS X device under System Preferences / Mouse. This enables you to use the right mouse button, which is necessary under Windows, in your virtual desktop as well.

Data storage and backup

Due to the central architecture of the system, you should not save any data on the local hard disks of your virtual desktop. Please use the appropriate drives to store your official / university-relevant data. X:\ and Z:\ of the PC-Verbundsystem. These are also subject to data backup.

Private data (if permitted for official purposes) should be stored on USB devices.

Error message: All available desktop sources ... are currently busy

The message “All available desktop sources for this desktop are currently busy. …” is not actually an error message. It merely indicates that all provided virtual desktops of this pools are occupied. This is comparable to a pool room in which all seats are occupied. As a workaround, you can try to use a virtual desktop of another pools.

Including local drives

When using the VMware Horizon Client, you can connect drives (USB sticks) locally connected to your PC to your virtual desktop. To do this, move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen within a VD session. The VMware Horizon Client menu appears where you can connect your locally connected devices into the virtual machine. Please do not forget to deactivate this connection to your local devices again before disconnecting from your virtual desktop.

Use from external company networks

If you want to access the virtual desktops from an external company network, TCP ports 4172, 9427 and 32111 (each In/Out) must be opened. If necessary, contact the company's system administrator.


Please ensure that you always use a current VMware Horizon Client when using the virtual desktop.

Maintenance and Updates

In virtual desktop environments, just as with standard PC hardware, updates and upgrades must be carried out at regular intervals and require a reboot.

Therefore, users who have disconnected from their current virtual desktop session are automatically logged off after 2 (for student pool rooms) or 4 hours.

To be on the safe side, you should always log off their virtual desktop session properly:

  • In the virtual desktop: * Windows Startup –> (user icon) Logout.
  • In the VMware Horizon Client control menu (top of screen): \ Options –> “Disconnect and Logout”.


For the operation of virtual desktop environments, the HRZ reserves the right to adapt and modify the relevant parts of the system at any time as necessary to meet the requirements that have developed. Provided that you observe the information given above regarding data storage, this is also not a real restriction, since when a new virtual desktop is provided, the software is provided centrally and you do not store your data locally, but exclusively on the drives of the PC interconnection system.

en/tp/vd/notes.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/28 17:34 by vi1008