Department / Lab Server
For the integration of a self-administered server, the University Computer Center (HRZ) offers the possibility of connection to the network infrastructure of the Jade University of Applied Sciences. To realize this, a setup in the following form is mandatory:
Two cases are created for the structure:
- Server without further device connection
- Server with other connected devices
For both cases applies:
- Consult with the HRZ in advance to ensure that the server is fully and correctly integrated into the network infrastructure
- Accesses can only be made from within the university
- The responsibility of the HRZ ends at the network outlet of the switch
- The access options via the network (ports) are defined by the HRZ and cannot be extended
For the second case applies:
- Further connected devices must be connected to the server via a second network interface
- The server must establish its own network on this interface
- This network must be translated to the university network
The HRZ will assist you with the configuration of the network, if you have any further questions please contact the HRZ service desk.
en/tp/network/sda/serv.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/07 02:44 by an1174