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Multifunction Devices

All over the campus, you will find multifunction devices that you can use to print, copy and scan documents. The devices are available to all members of the university and use is subject to a fee.


Members of the Jade University can use the following functions on the multifunction devices (MFG):

  • A4 and A3 printing
  • Print in black and white and in color
  • Copying printed matter
  • Scan to a locally connected USB memory stick

Locations and status

The locations and the status of the multifunction devices can be found under service status.

In case of problems, the following contacts can be contacted on site:


In order to be able to use the print function of the multi-function devices, the location-specific printer queue must be integrated:

The print jobs can then be retrieved and printed at one of the multifunction devices within 72 hours.

Use of the multifunction devices from the CampusCard wallet

All members and relatives of the Jade University have the option of topping up their CampusCard wallet and thus paying for their print and copy orders on the multifunction devices. The wallet is loaded onto the CampusCard by depositing cash in the top-up machine or by paying cash in the canteens.

Use of the multifunction devices via a cost center on the CampusCard

Staff at the Jade University can have a cost centre entered on the CampusCard. This cost centre will then be charged for the payment of your print and copy orders. To register the cost centre on your CampusCard, please contact the university computing centre.

Price table

Price table for the copy and print pages on the multifunction devices from March 01, 2020

Designation Costs
DIN A4, black and white, one-sided 0,05 €
DIN A4, black and white, double-sided 0,10 €
DIN A4, color, one-sided 0,07 €
DIN A4, color, double-sided 0,14 €
DIN A3, black and white, one-sided 0,10 €
DIN A3, black and white, double-sided 0,20 €
DIN A3, color, one-sided 0,14 €
DIN A3, color, double-sided 0,28 €

Quota query

You can check the current status of your CampusCard allotment at any terminal on the multifunctional devices.

PIN protection

We recommend that you protect your card with a PIN for use in the copying and printing system. This prevents misuse in the case of loss. This option can be activated on the terminal via the F3 button.

You can view your active print jobs on the multifunction devices in the print job overview.

print job overview

en/tp/mfd/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/06/10 18:18 von an1174