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Video Conference

As a member of the Jade University, you have access to the following video conference systems:

Cisco Webex

The Jade University provides Cisco Webex and Cisco Webex Teams. You can find a manual here.

Zoom Meetings

The documentation of Zoom you find in LMS Wiki under Web Conferences -> Zoom

DFNconf - Conference Service in the German Research Network (Pexip)

With the DFNconf platform, you can conduct video conferences with excellent video and audio properties. Other features: use of dedicated VC systems and simple web-based access, maximum of 23 participants. With the streaming option, lectures and events can be broadcast for a larger group of people.

You can reach the organizer portal via this link: https://my.conf.dfn.de

Further information can be found on the website of the service: https://www.conf.dfn.de/beschreibung-des-dienstes/

DFN Web conferencing (Adobe Connect)

If you are planning e-learning events or webinars for up to 200 participants, our web conferencing service is still available under Adobe Connect.


Microsoft Skype for Business

The Jade University does not provide Microsoft Skype for Business access. However, you can be invited to meetings at any time:

  1. You will receive an appointment or an email with an invitation link from the conference organizer.
  2. Please check whether this email is correct (e.g. agreed with the sender) and click on the link.
  3. When using for the first time, select the “Download and install Skype for Business” link on the welcome page. out.
  4. If you already have Skype for Business installed, select “Already installed? Click here to participate using Skype for Business.” out.
  5. The Skype for Business Client is then started. Enter your name and then click on the field “Participate as a guest”
  6. You are then in the virtual waiting area
  7. As soon as you are at the conference you can activate your camera by clicking on the camera icon and confirming the selection.
en/tp/vcs/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/06/04 19:12 von an1174