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About Us

The computing centre is a central institution of the Jade University, which is not bound to the location. It provides IT services for the areas of research and teachings, for the central institutions and the management.

In doing so, there happens to be a basic structuring of the computing centre into central and peripheral tasks. Users normally encounter the service on the spot at their location, especially when it comes to the care of the computer rooms and the PC workplaces. In contrast, conceptional planning, applications for large equipment and similar tasks are regulated centrally to ensure the highest possible homogeinity regarding facilities and operational concepts.

Some of the tasks of the computing centre are, e.g.:

  • planning, installation and instigation of the university network, which is across locations
  • provision of all basic services regarding the network
  • instigation of external data pins and services
  • provision of communication services on the respective central server systems
  • planning and supervision of the computer rooms, which are accessible for members of the university
  • planning and coordination of computing acquisitions whilst including the nationwide programmes CIP, WAP, CAD etc.
  • provision of software systems, application systems and server systems
  • representation of the university's interests in several commmittees and organisations, such as eg.
en/start.1544114889.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/06 17:48 by pi1004