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Brief Instruction

Function Keys of the Telephones Cisco 7945 and 7965

Single Call

Type in the telephone number and press the softkey „Wählen“ (ENG: „Select“) or pick up the phone. When typing in the number, the softkey “«” always allows to correct it. An outside line is obtained when dialling „0“, provided you are authorised to do so.


A call can be transferred with or without consultation (further enquiry in advance of the operator): Softkey “Übergeben” (ENG: „Transfer“) + number + (if necessary) consultation + softkey „Übergeben“. The participant can be cancelled during consultation: Softkey “Rufende” (ENG: „End of Call“) + softkey “Heranholen” (ENG : „Recall“).


A call diversion results from pressing the softkey “Rufumleitung” (ENG: „Call Diversion“) and typing in the 4-digit internal phone number. By pressing „Rufumleitung“, this is made undone. External call diversions cost the diverting person money.


Type in the phone number and press the softkey „Wählen“ or pick up the phone. After the interlocutor has answered, press the softkeys “Weiter” (ENG: „Next“) and “Konferenz“ (ENG: „Conference“). Now type in the phone number of the next participant and press the softkey „Konferenz“, after the second interlocutor has answered. This is possible for up to 8 internal or external participants. The participant list can be displayed by pressing „Weiter“ + „Konflist“ (abbreviation for „Konferenz Liste“, ENG: „Conference List“).

Callback when the line is occupied or the called person does not answer

This performance feature is available for all telephones within the system. However, this does not apply to calls into the public telephone network.

During the try to call a specific person, press the softkeys „Rückruf“ (ENG: „Callback“) + „Beenden“ (ENG: „Finish“). If done this way, you will get a signalling when the desired contact hangs up. After the signalling, press the softkey „Wählen“. Now the telephone of the desired contact rings.

Answerphone (Voice-Mail)

For every VoIP-telephone it is possible to set up an own answerphone (Voicebox). Please apply for it via e-mail right here. The login details will be transmitted to you. The configuration, the recording of the voice mail text and listening to the left messages can be activated by the “Nachrichtentaste” (ENG: „Message Key“) on the telephone. The configuration is guided by the voice menu. By pressing the softkey „Rufumleitung“ and typing in the number „8000“, the voice mail is being activated. To deactivate the voice mail, press the softkey „Rufumleitung“. Received voice mail messages are indicated by the message light being red.

en/services/telephone/anleitung.1545581580.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/23 17:13 by pi1004