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Here you will find the quick accesses to the most frequently requested topics in the HRZ-Wiki:
- Account Activation: Account Activation
- Collaboration Cloud: Mobile collaboration in the cloud
- Data Drives: Access to data drives via WebFiler.
- Print Job Overview: Overview of their print jobs on the multifunction devices.
- eCampus: eCampus homepage
- eIDentity Portal: Portal for changing your password, among other things
- HRZ-Ticketsystem: Create messages to the HRZ
- HRZ-Wiki: All HRZ services at a glance
- Multifunction Devices: Information on how to use our multifunction devices
- Outlook Web App: web-based access to the e-mail system of Jade University
- PC Interconnection System: Explanation of terms and concept
- Poolrooms: An overview of all the pool rooms we operate and support.
- Team Info: People and responsibilities
- Refund: Online application for residual money reimbursement from the CampusCard
- Virtual Desktops: Mobile working at Jade University of Applied Sciences
- WLAN/Wi-Fi: Configuring your mobile device
en/hrz/quicklinks/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/29 12:12 von AN1198