Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Communication
- Communication At the Jade University of Applied Sciences, a software solution from Cisco is used in the area of communication systems for telephony, meetings and messages. Telephony Telephone services can be used in hardware as a desk phone or in software with the help of a software client.
- Collaboration Cloud
- Collaboration Cloud Übersicht Das Hochschulrechenzentrum (HRZ) bietet Ihnen unter dem Begriff „Collaboration Cloud“ eine Reihe von Diensten an, die das mobile und gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten in Teams - auch mit hochschul-externen Partnern - verbessern sollen. Dazu werden folgende Funktionen bereitgestellt:
- Videokonferenz
- Videokonferenz Als Angehöriger der Jade Hochschule haben Sie Zugang zu den folgenden Videokonferenzsystemen: Cisco Webex Die Jade Hochschule stellt Cisco Webex und Cisco Webex Teams zur Verfügung, zur Anleitung. Zoom Meetings Die Dokumentation zu Zoom finden sie im
- Application
- Application User accounts are usually requested by the following units according to the Regulations & Contracts via the Account request portal. These units can also carry out the renewal of a user account: ---------- Human Resources Department - Salaried Staff Contact person: Personnel Department - Tariff Employees Responsible for the categories of persons:
- Files
- Files Description The web app “Files” is responsible for viewing and managing your folders and files in the Collaboration Cloud. * Creating, deleting, renaming and moving folders and files. * Sharing folders and files with other groups and users via the
- Adobe
- Adobe
- Deck
- Deck Beschreibung Die Web-App Deck ist ein Organisations Tool im Kanban Stil, das auf persönliche Planung und Projektorganisation in Teams ausgerichtet ist. * 📥 Notieren Sie Ihre Aufgaben auf Karten und organisieren Sie sie kategorisch * 📄 Fügen Sie zusätzliche Notizen in Markdown hinzu
- Device recommendation
- Device recommendation When recommending devices, it must first be noted that all services offered by the HRZ are initially primarily geared towards operation with a Microsoft operating system. Increasingly, operating systems from Apple and the respective Linux distributions are also supported, but full functionality cannot always be guaranteed here.
- Device recommendation
- Device recommendation When recommending devices, it must first be noted that all services offered by the HRZ are initially primarily geared towards operation with a Microsoft operating system. Increasingly, operating systems from Apple and the respective Linux distributions are also supported, but full functionality cannot always be guaranteed here.