Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Semesterticket
- Semesterticket The national semester ticket is shown on the front left. The following components can be found on the card: * The logo of the NDS/HB * The word Semesterticket * The period of validity (from/to) The Semesterticket is only valid within the specified period (from/to) and is not related to the general period of validity (bottom right
- Access Authorisation
- Access Authorisation The CampusCard holds an integrated function, which checks and monitors access. This function is used at all locations of the Jade University. Implied is the usage of the parking place in Oldenburg as well as the access to buildings and rooms.
- Student ID
- Student ID [ ]
- Desktop Client
- Desktop Client With the help of the desktop clients, university members and staff can access their files in the Collaboration Cloud of Jade University in the file explorer. Setup Download the Nextcloud Desktop Client, install it on your system and set it up as follows:
- WebDAV
- WebDAV With aid of a WebDAV client (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning), members of the university can comfortably access the files within the Collaboration Cloud of the university via the file manager. Use this access option with care. The control by WebDAV Clients of
- Collaboration Cloud
- Collaboration Cloud Overview The computing centre (HRZ) offers several services under the term „Collaboration Cloud“ that is designed to improve collaborative work, within the university, but also with external partners. The following functions are currently available:
- Drive Concept
- Drive Concept By integrating your device into the network system of computers, you will automatically get provided with a drive and folders. You can use them with aid of your Windows explorer after the login into the system. Generally, there are two drives offered for the storing of data:
- WebFiler
- WebFiler With the help of the Web File Manager (WebFiler for short), university members on and off campus can access the data drives of the PC network system of the Jade University of Applied Sciences. Access is via a secure, encrypted connection using a web browser or a file manager
- Network drives
- Network drives With the help of the connection via the SMB protocol, university members can access the data drives of the PC-network system of the Jade University of Applied Sciences with high performance - but only within the campus. This is done with the help of a file manager.
- Data drives
- Data drives Drives on devices in the PC integrated system On devices that are integrated into the PC-interconnected system, all network drives described under drive concept are automatically connected and can be used with the help of Windows Explorer. Drives on devices outside the PC network system