Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Note
- Note Display resolution In the VD environment, a screen resolution of 4K (3840 x 2160) is supported. For GPU-supported desktop pools, a maximum of one 4K monitor is supported. If you have a higher display resolution locally and have problems with the display, you should first set the Display:
- Software delivery
- Software delivery Here you can get software via the so-called software deployment, i.e. software does not have to be installed but is simply added to the software menu of the operating system and can be started from there. In both cases, however, it should be noted that the licensing conditions in virtual environments have been changed by the manufacturers, in some cases significantly, compared to
- PC-Pools Wilhelmshaven
- PC-Pools Wilhelmshaven The following pool rooms are operated by the HRZ: * Main Building * H 213: 1 Master PC workstation + 20 Student PC workstations * H 415b: 1 Master PC workstation + 17 student PC workstations * H FLP: 6 VD terminals
- Note
- Note Display resolution In the VD environment, a screen resolution of 4K (3840 x 2160) is supported. For GPU-supported desktop pools, a maximum of one 4K monitor is supported. If you have a higher display resolution locally and have problems with the display, you should first set the Display:
- Budget
- Budget The budget department administers and monitors the budget funds allocated to the HRZ and their use. The funds to be administered in the HRZ are a complex structure of basic funding, earmarked funds, temporary funds and also project-related funds. Their use requires meticulous budget planning and continuous controlling. This controlling is the basis for the annual notification of funding requirements to the Finance Department of the Jade University of Applied Sciences and is also suppleme…
- Account Application Portal
- Account Application Portal The application for a user account from the authorized units is made via the account application portal. Only university members (with the exception of students) are entitled to apply for user accounts. Note * Only user accounts for natural persons may be requested. The application for function and test accounts is not permitted.
- Activation
- Activation You must first activate your user account in order to be able to use it to log on to the IT systems of Jade University. Using the username, initial password and date of birth information found on the access data sheet, you set a personal password
- Sophos
- Sophos Sophos Campus The Jade University is a participant of the Sophos state contract. * Authorized users: University members * Products: * Sophos Endpoint Security and Control * Operating Systems: * Apple macOS * Microsoft Windows * Linux on Intel and AMD64
- Service Status
- Service Status Status display