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- Authentication
- Authentication The following authentication methods are available in IT systems: Local authentication IT systems with the local authentication (LA) method manage the credentials locally on the system. On this type of IT system, a combination of user name & password must therefore be generated and maintained, users & users thus
- Network
- Network In this section you will find information on the following network services offered: * SDA: Digital Network Architecture * DNS: Domain Name System * Zeitdienst: Time Service
- FAQ This page shows some remarks and answers to frequently asked questions. Notification "The Microsoft Exchange admin has...“ Question: I received the pictured notification in Microsoft Outlook and after that, the connection to my inbox was interrupted. What am I supposed to do?
- Clients
- Clients To use a virtual desktop you need * a program for your PC / an app for your smartphone - a so-called software client or * a device that is able to access a virtual desktop - a so-called hardware client. Hardware-clients * thin and zero clients (e.g.
- Document management
- Document management At the Jade University of Applied Sciences, document management is carried out with the help of the product “d.3” from the company d.velop. The university computer centre is responsible for the technical operation of the system. The institutions using the system are responsible for the content.
- Group certificates
- Group certificates Prerequisites To create a group certificate, the following requirements must be met: * The shared mailbox must already exist and the e-mail address must be known. * A person with primary responsibility must be named for the shared mailbox.
- Virusprotection
- Virusprotection Any device connected to the Jade University network must have appropriate virus protection and must be updated regularly. Since June 2023, we have been using the product “Sophos Endpoint Protection” as virus protection at Jade University.
- Monitoring
- Monitoring For the monitoring of the IT-Systems, the university computing centre uses the product PRTG by the company Paessler. * Status of the overall system
- Project Management
- Project Management Within the Academic Cloud, project management is offered with the help of the software OpenProject. The manufacturer of the software promotes this with the slogan “Control your projects successfully - classic, agile or hybrid project management in a secure environment
- Wallet
- Wallet The integrated wallet allows cashless payment on the campus. All areas of payment for the CampusCard will be developped and equipped in the following order: * Library Dues * Cafeteria * Canteen * Multifunctional Devices * Vending Machines Recharging the Wallet