Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- WLAN / Wi-Fi
- wireless LAN (Local Area Network) (WLAN / Wi-Fi) via the eduroam procedure. eduroam is a worldwide infrastructure
- Im Betrieb befindliche Geräte müssen zur Zeit folgendermaßen konfiguriert werden: Start → Dienste (eintippen … Button „Starten“, der Dienststatus wechselt dann von „Beendet“ auf „Wird ausgeführt“ Windows 10: Start … → Einstellungen → Netzwerk und Internet → Ethernet → Adapteroptionen ändern Windows 11: Start → Systemsteuerung … folgenden Servern herstellen…: deaktiviert Vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen AAA Certificate Services
- Evolution (Linux)
- “Aus Sicherungsdatei wiederherstellen” window (ENG: “Restore from Backup File”): If you have a backup … Abrufen von E-Mails” window (ENG: “Retrieve e-mails”): Server-Art (ENG: “Server type”): Exchange Web Services … by the start wizard in Evolution. … “Aus Sicherungsdatei wiederherstellen” window (ENG: “Restore from Backup File”): If you have a backup … Abrufen von E-Mails” window (ENG: “Retrieve e-mails”): Server-Art (ENG: “Server type”): Exchange web services
- System
- System -------- Data backup In the first step, data is backed up with the help of snapshots, which … The data backup is carried out in the second step with the help of backups, these are transferred from … the data storage responsible for the CCS to a backup system. … The backup schedule is as follows: Every Monday at 05:00 a.m. with a retention period of 3 months - … the [Delete data] button Restart the web browser Microsoft Edge: Settings > Privacy, search and services
- PC-Installation
- . -------- Preparations Backup Create a backup of your data in the running legacy system if you do … Save this backup on an external data carrier. … system and copy the executable UEFI BIOS file to this data carrier Connect the USB stick to the device Start
- Wi-Fi
- (Local Area Network) (Wi-Fi) via eduroam for all members of the university. eduroam is a worldwide infrastructure
- Clients
- Start remote USB and print services: click “Next”. … Redirection and Browser Content Redirection: enabled VMware Integrated Printing: enabled Register and start
- Tasks
- Tasks Description With the tasks app, you can add and delete tasks, edit their title, description, start
- Academic Cloud
- Academic Cloud The Academic Cloud - Services for Universities in Niedersachsen In a digitalized world … we all rely on a growing amount of services for education, work and recreation. … Therefore it is essential that reliable, secure and trustworthy services exist for numerous user groups … The idea behind the Academic Cloud is to offer such services to students and employees of universities … item Services.
- Academic Cloud
- Academic Cloud The Academic Cloud - Services for Universities in Niedersachsen In a digitalized world … we all rely on a growing amount of services for education, work and recreation. … Therefore it is essential that reliable, secure and trustworthy services exist for numerous user groups … The idea behind the Academic Cloud is to offer such services to students and employees of universities … item Services.