Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Regulations & Contracts
- Regulations & Contracts This page describes the basis on which one can be granted or deprived of access to the IT systems of the Jade University. ---------- Guidelines ---------- Lower Saxony Law of Universities of Applied Sciences The legal basis of all guidelines is the
- Glossary
- Glossary Short Name Description ACI Application Centric Infrastructure Packet filter; responsible for access control of services ADS Active Directory Services Directory service from Microsoft, used, among other things, for the logon of users to the PC network system
- Encryption
- Encryption Description The connection to the Collaboration Cloud Storage environment always happens in an encrypted form, regardless of the chosen access path. This means that nobody between your end device and the CCS server environment can have an insight into your saved data or used passwords. However, the
- Authentication
- Authentication The following authentication methods are available in IT systems: Local authentication IT systems with the local authentication (LA) method manage the credentials locally on the system. On this type of IT system, a combination of user name & password must therefore be generated and maintained, users & users thus
- Monitoring
- Monitoring For the monitoring of the IT-Systems, the university computing centre uses the product PRTG by the company Paessler. * Status of the overall system
- Wallet
- Wallet The integrated wallet allows cashless payment on the campus. All areas of payment for the CampusCard will be developped and equipped in the following order: * Library Dues * Cafeteria * Canteen * Multifunctional Devices * Vending Machines Recharging the Wallet
- Group-Folders
- Group-Folders Description Group folders are folders with special properties that make them for example particularly suitable for use in projects: * They are outside their personal storage area * Therefore, they are not deleted when the person applying for them leaves the university
- Management
- Management The University Computing Centre (HRZ) at Jade University of Applied Sciences is managed by * Organisational Unit Management: Thomas Deichmann * Organisational Unit Management (deputy.): Jutta Galts The management is responsible for the Organisation and the Budget of the University Computing Centre, as well as the project planning of the services provided.
- Device recommendation
- Device recommendation When recommending devices, it must first be noted that all services offered by the HRZ are initially primarily geared towards operation with a Microsoft operating system. Increasingly, operating systems from Apple and the respective Linux distributions are also supported, but full functionality cannot always be guaranteed here.
- Mobile working
- Mobile working Here you will find information on the most important topics regarding the use of our services in the home office. ---------- Data drives You can access our data drives in these ways: * For occasional access only, use our WebFiler in the web browser.