Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Licence agreement Jade University of Applied Sciences participates in Microsoft Campus EES via the federal framework agreement. ---------- Term: The contract started on 01 May 2021 and runs for 4 years until the end of April 2025. ----------
- Group-Folders
- Group-Folders Description Group folders are folders with special properties that make them for example particularly suitable for use in projects: * They are outside their personal storage area * Therefore, they are not deleted when the person applying for them leaves the university
- Organisation
- Organisation The organizational unit University Computing Centre (HRZ) is a central institution of the Jade University of Applied Sciences, which provides services for its members on the basis of existing Regulations & Contracts provides services for its members and affiliates. According to the current
- Management
- Management The University Computing Centre (HRZ) at Jade University of Applied Sciences is managed by * Organisational Unit Management: Thomas Deichmann * Organisational Unit Management (deputy.): Jutta Galts The management is responsible for the Organisation and the Budget of the University Computing Centre, as well as the project planning of the services provided.
- Adobe
- Adobe License agreement Jade University participates in the Adobe ETLA Campus contract on an FTE (Full Time Equivalent) basis through the Federal Master Agreement. ---------- Running time: The contract started on 01 December 2021 and has a term of 4 years until the end of November 2025.
- Device recommendation
- Device recommendation When recommending devices, it must first be noted that all services offered by the HRZ are initially primarily geared towards operation with a Microsoft operating system. Increasingly, operating systems from Apple and the respective Linux distributions are also supported, but full functionality cannot always be guaranteed here.
- Procurement
- Procurement The University Computing Center supports the departments, administration and central facilities in the procurement of IT-technical devices and software. Framework agreements exist with the following companies: * Dell (PC, monitor, notebook, server)
- Plotting
- Plotting The University Computing Center provides all members and members of the Jade University of Applied Sciences with various devices for plotting. Plotter in the pool rooms of the HRZ In some pool rooms operated by the HRZ, plotters are available whose procurement and operation is not financed by study quality funds. Therefore, these plotters are available to all
- Mobile working
- Mobile working Here you will find information on the most important topics regarding the use of our services in the home office. ---------- Data drives You can access our data drives in these ways: * For occasional access only, use our WebFiler in the web browser.
- CampusCard
- CampusCard ATTENTION!!! In the winter semester 2024/2025 there will be a change to the semesterticket: From the winter semester, the Deutschlandticket will be introduced as a semesterticket for students. As a result, the previous semester ticket imprint on the CampusCard will be discontinued. Instead, the new Deutschlandticket will be made available digitally via an app. This app will be available in time for the start of the semester. Further information will be provided shortly.