Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- PC Pools Oldenburg
- PC Pools Oldenburg The following pool rooms are operated by the HRZ: * Geodesy Building * G 10: 1 Master PC workstation + 12 Student PC workstations * Main Building * HA II40: 8 student PC workstations * HB1 I6: 1 Master PC workstation + 15 student PC workstations
- PC-Pools Elsfleth
- PC-Pools Elsfleth The following pool rooms are operated by the HRZ: * Main Building * W 203: 1 Master PC workstation + 12 Student PC workstations. * W 204-205: 1 Master PC workstation + 25 Student PC workstations. * W 212: 1 master PC workstation + 23 student PC workstations
- Licenseserver
- Licenseserver Software reference person Limitation numbers of licenses Agisoft PhotoScan Anna Maria Helle No 20 User Allplan Dagmar Voßmann No 100 User
- Software
- Software The Jade University provides software for its relatives in various ways. Software-application If you want to access a software product for your lecture or the laboratory that is not currently available through the HRZ, the university members (except for students) can fill in the
- Corel
- Corel Corel CASL Campus Jade University has an Academic Site License Premium for various Corel products. * Authorized users: University members (with the exception of students) * Products: * CorelCAD * CorelDRAW Graphics Suite * CorelDRAW Technical Suite
- National Instruments
- National Instruments National Instruments LabVIEW Jade University has a student license for a maximum of 250 users. * Authorized users: * Students of the university * Products: * * LabVIEW * Operating systems: * Windows * Mac OS
- Sophos
- Sophos Sophos Campus Die Jade Hochschule ist Teilnehmer des Sophos Landesvertrags. * Authorized users:: University members * Products: * Sophos Endpoint Security and Control * Operating Systems: * Apple macOS * Microsoft Windows * Linux auf Intel und AMD64
- MathWorks
- MathWorks MathWorks MATLAB The Jade University has a campus license for MathWorks MATLAB. * Authorized users: University members * Products: * MathWorks MATLAB * Operating Systems: * Apple macOS * Microsoft Windows * Linux * Hints: * Aktuelle Hinweise zum Produkt und dessen Nutzung finden Sie im
- Passwords
- Passwords The following guidelines apply to user account passwords: * Minimum number of characters in the password: 8 characters. * Differentiation of upper and lower case in the password (a - z, A - Z) * Numeric characters are allowed (0 - 9)
- Note
- Note Display resolution In the VD environment, a screen resolution of 4K (3840 x 2160) is supported. For GPU-supported desktop pools, a maximum of one 4K monitor is supported. If you have a higher display resolution locally and have problems with the display, you should first set the Display: