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- Statusmonitor
- Webex Teams
- Webex Teams Apart from the use of Webex as a meeting platform, there is the possibility of using it as Webex Teams. In Webex, it is possible to create virtual rooms to form e.g learning groups etc. In the following is a short guide on how to use Webex Teams.
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting ---------- This troubleshooting assumes that you have requested a WebEx client. If this is not the case, please raise a ticket via the Helpdesk here. ---------- If the WebEx Computer App gives you the error „Connection to phone service is disconnected
- Calls
- Calls You can check the status of your call number via the icon in the client. You can also make settings by clicking on the icon.
- Teams
- Teams Here you have the option of creating areas. These areas can represent, for example, an internship group, a learning group or a seminar. Once you have created an area, you can add users. This can only be done by the moderators, in our case activated Webex users.
- Library Card
- Library Card The barcode number of the CampusCard is a valid library card, which can be activated in the following libraries: * Library of the Jade University * Library of the University Emden / Leer
- Access Control
- Access Control At Jade University, access control is carried out using software products from IntraKey.
- Semesterticket
- Semesterticket The national semester ticket is shown on the front left. The following components can be found on the card: * The logo of the NDS/HB * The word Semesterticket * The period of validity (from/to) The Semesterticket is only valid within the specified period (from/to) and is not related to the general period of validity (bottom right