Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Glossar
- Glossar Kurz- Bezeichnung Beschreibung ACI Application Centric Infrastructure
- Mobiles Arbeiten & Telearbeit
- Mobiles Arbeiten & Telearbeit Unter diesem Punkt finden Sie Informationen zu den wichtigsten Themen bezüglich der Nutzung unserer Services außerhalb der Hochschule, z.B bei der Telearbeit im Homeoffice oder beim Mobilen Arbeiten. ---------- Datenlaufwerke
- Shared Mailboxes
- Shared Mailboxes In the Microsoft Exchange system, it is possible to set up a mailbox as a shared mailbox. This blocks direct access to this mailbox, but at the same time grants full access and sending rights to responsible persons or groups. Set-up instructions for common e-mail clients and end devices
- Regulations & Contracts
- Regulations & Contracts This page describes the basis on which one can be granted or deprived of access to the IT systems of the Jade University. ---------- Guidelines ---------- Lower Saxony Law of Universities of Applied Sciences The legal basis of all guidelines is the
- Management
- Management The University Computer Centre at Jade University of Applied Sciences is managed by * Organisational Unit Management: Ulrich Hauptmann * Organisational Unit Management (deputy): Guido Manemann The management area is responsible for the Organisation and the Budget of the University Computer Centre, as well as the project planning of the services provided.
- Glossar
- FIXME This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation. (remove this paragraph once the translation is finished) Glossar Kurz- Bezeichnung Beschreibung
- Mobile working
- Mobile working Here you will find information on the most important topics regarding the use of our services in the home office. ---------- Data drives You can access our data drives in these ways: * For occasional access only, use our WebFiler in the web browser.
- Regulations & Contracts
- Regulations & Contracts This page describes the basis on which one can be granted or deprived of access to the IT systems of the Jade University. ---------- Guidelines ---------- Lower Saxony Law of Universities of Applied Sciences The legal basis of all guidelines is the
- Glossary
- Glossary Short Name Description ACI Application Centric Infrastructure Packet filter; responsible for access control of services ADS Active Directory Services Directory service from Microsoft, used, among other things, for the logon of users to the PC network system