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- HRZ-Wiki
- HRZ-Wiki Welcome to the HRZ-Wiki web pages, where all services offered by the HRZ are described in detail … Topics & Services: Here we have provided detailed descriptions of the services we offer. -------- Latest … Alternative access to our current news can be found in the left sidebar under Topics & Services / News-Feed … get further help here: HRZ-Wiki: An important source of information to answer questions about our services
- Network
- Network In this section you will find information on the following network services offered: SDA: Digital
- PC-Pools Oldenburg
- PC-Pools Oldenburg Folgende Poolräume werden vom HRZ betrieben: Raum , Ausstattung
- Communication
- Telephony Telephone services can be used in hardware as a desk phone or in software with the help of … There is a charge for using the telephone services with a desk phone. … Use of the telephone services with the help of the Software Client is free of charge.
- PC-Pools Wilhelmshaven
- PC-Pools Wilhelmshaven Folgende Poolräume werden vom HRZ betrieben: Raum , Ausstattung
- Virtual Desktops
- device (Bring your own device - BYOD) The Virtual Desktops service group is working on the following services … Pools This service creates and maintains the operating system images for the respective pools.
- PC-Pools Elsfleth
- PC-Pools Elsfleth Folgende Poolräume werden vom HRZ betrieben: Hauptgebäude W 203: 1 Master PC-Arbeitsplatz
- PC-Pools Oldenburg
- PC-Pools Oldenburg The following pool rooms are operated by the HRZ: Room , Equitment
- Network
- Network In this section you will find information on the following network services offered: DNA: Digital
- Communication
- Telephony Telephone services can be used in hardware as a desk phone or in software with the help of … There is a charge for using the telephone services with a desk phone. … Use of the telephone services with the help of the Software Client is free of charge.