Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Distribution lists
- Distribution lists Use of e-mail distribution lists on University members and staff of the Jade University can send e-mails to various user groups via e-mail distribution lists. An overview and more details about the lists can be found on the Sympa server: <>.
- Status Monitor
- Status Monitor
- Drive Concept
- Drive Concept By integrating your device into the pc network system, you will automatically get provided with a drive and folders. You can use them with aid of your Windows explorer after the login into the system. Generally, there are two drives offered for the storing of data:
- Netzlaufwerke
- Vorarbeit: Start / Computer: Eigenschaften / Einstellungen für Computernamen, Domäne und Arbeitsgruppe
- Microsoft Outlook für Mac 2019
- oder neuer Sie verfügen über ein E-Mail-Konto auf dem Exchange-System der Jade Hochschule Erster Start
- Webex Teams
- Webex Teams Apart from the use of Webex as a meeting platform, there is the possibility of using it as Webex Teams. In Webex, it is possible to create virtual rooms to form e.g learning groups etc. In the following is a short guide on how to use Webex Teams.
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting ---------- This troubleshooting assumes that you have requested a WebEx client. If this is not the case, please raise a ticket via the Helpdesk here. ---------- If the WebEx Computer App gives you the error „Connection to phone service is disconnected
- Contacts
- Contacts On the Contacts tab you can manage your contacts and group them. Add contact You can create a contact entry using the „Add contact“ button: * If you want to create a contact outside the university, select „Create custom contact“