Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- eCampus
- eCampus The University Computer Centre runs the technical operation of the Jade eCampus. Click here to go to the Jade eCampus homepage. Information on the topics of application, programme management and examination management can be found in the FAQs.
- Multifunction Devices
- Multifunction Devices All over the campus, you will find multifunction devices that you can use to print, copy and scan documents. The devices are available to all members of the university and use is subject to a fee. Features Members of the Jade University can use the following functions on the multifunction devices (MFG):
- SAP SAP is used as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system at the Jade University. SAP in university administration The Jade University joined the Lower Saxony University Competence Center for SAP (CCC Hannover) in 2009: The tasks of an SAP CCC include a qualified technical and technical support concept (support desk) for the SAP applications used, internal marketing and information management, and contract administration and the coordination of development applications to SAP AG or the…
- Server maintenance
- Server maintenance For reasons of operational safety, all IT technical systems of the HRZ are subject to maintenance. A distinction must be made between regular maintenance and security-critical updates: * Regular maintenance: These are updates to be installed on a regular basis that fix bugs and possibly extend the range of functions.
- Procurement
- Procurement The computing centre supports the departments, the administration and the central facilities in the procurement of IT-technical devices and software. Framework agreements exist with the following companies: * Dell (PC, monitor, notebook, server)
- Printing
- Printing The university computing centre provides all members and relatives of the Jade University with various devices for printing. The university computing centre configures * the departments * the central facilities * the administration procured printers in the network and makes them available to members of the university according to their specifications.
- VPN The university computer centre provides a VPN connection for Windows, Mac and Linux computers. Smartphones are also supported. VPN access to the Jade University network is possible in two ways. Access via Microsoft VPN: Here, access is established via the respective operating system.
- CampusCard
- CampusCard Die CampusCard ist das Ergebnis eines durch das Ministerium in Verbindung mit zwei weiteren Hochschulen (Hannover/Hildesheim) geförderten Projektes zur Einführung einer Chipkarten-basierten Ablösung des damals bestehenden Studienausweises einschließlich des Semestertickets. Gleichzeitig sollte mit der CampusCard die sich durch die Fusion anbietende studienortübergreifende Nutzung von Diensten an unserer Hochschule ermöglicht werden. Aufsetzend auf einer Studie im Fachbereich Wirts…
- Zutrittskontrolle
- Zutrittskontrolle An der Jade Hochschule wird die Zutrittskontrolle mit Hilfe von Softwareprodukten der Firma IntraKey durchgeführt.
- Datenlaufwerke
- Datenlaufwerke Laufwerke auf Geräten im PC-Verbundsystem Bei Geräten, die in das PC-Verbundsystem integriert sind, werden alle unter Laufwerkskonzept beschriebenen Netzlaufwerke automatisch verbunden und können mit Hilfe des Windows-Explorers genutzt werden. Laufwerke auf Geräten außerhalb des PC-Verbundsystems