Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Mobile working
- Mobile working Here you will find information on the most important topics regarding the use of our services in the home office. ---------- Data drives You can access our data drives in these ways: * For occasional access only, use our WebFiler in the web browser.
- Access data
- in to Jade eCampus with your self-registered (applicant) account and follow the instructions on the start
- Ubuntu Linux
- auf Entsperren Wählen Sie im Fenster „Drucker hinzufügen“ den gewünschten Drucker aus Beispiel: hrz-hpcljfe78625 … /etc/cups/printers.conf # AuthInfoRequired none AuthInfoRequired username,password sudo systemctl start
- Adobe
- Adobe Creative Cloud product installed, first open the ZENworks Software Distribution window via : ⇒ Start … ⇒ programs ⇒ HRZ-Softwaremenu In the ZENworks window, the Adobe software bundles (installation packages … If in doubt, restart your computer and start the installation immediately after logging in, before starting … App_Install.pkg from the unzipped Adobe CC 2022 Desktop App\Build subdirectory with a double-click to start
- Mobile working
- Mobile working Here you will find information on the most important topics regarding the use of our services in the home office. ---------- Data drives You can access our data drives in these ways: * For occasional access only, use our WebFiler in the web browser.
- Communication
- Please apply for a desk telephone, stating the cost centre, via the HRZ-Servicedesk.
- E-Mail Security (Spam- und Virenschutz)
- des Verfahrens können Sie in der Sophos Knowledge Base nachlesen:
- Microsoft Windows
- Print Within your application, click on „Print“, select the desired printer and start the printing process