Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Ticketsystem
- Ticketsystem Via the ticket system members and relatives of the university are able to send notifications to the computing centre Helpdesk. The advantage is, that it is easier and faster for you to receive proper help for your question. It is not on you to find the responsible person in the computing centre.
- Zeitdienst
- Zeitdienst Das HRZ betreibt in Oldenburg und Wilhelmshaven zwei hochgenaue, per GPS synchronisierte
- DNS The HRZ operates a cluster for the DNS (Domain Name System)/DHCP service in Wilhelmshaven.
- Adobe
- Adobe Creative Cloud product installed, first open the ZENworks Software Distribution window via : ⇒ Start … ⇒ all programs ⇒ HRZ-Softwaremenu In the ZENworks window, the Adobe software bundles (installation … If in doubt, restart your computer and start the installation immediately after logging in, before starting … App_Install.pkg from the unzipped Adobe CC 2022 Desktop App\Build subdirectory with a double-click to start … Then start the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app and login to Adobe Cloud.
- Clientintegration
- Hostnamen und das primäre DNS (Domain Name System)-Suffix in das PC-System ein: Microsoft Windows 11: Start … Microsoft Windows 11: Start > Einstellungen > System > Info: Domäne oder Arbeitsgruppe Karte Computername … Die physische Adresse (MAC-Adresse) lässt sich folgendermaßen ermitteln Microsoft Windows 11: Start
- Virusprotection
- virus protection - this usually concerns all desktop PCs as well as all devices in the PC pools of the HRZ … Devices outside the PC network system The virus protection software from the HRZ must be installed on … Open a ticket for an appointment at the HRZ service desk via the ticketsystem. -------- Private devices … Support for problems with Sophos on private devices is not provided by the HRZ, you can use the support
- Service Desk
- Ticket system With the help of the ticketsystem, enquiries can be made to the HRZ.
- Haushalt
- Haushalt Der Bereich Haushalt verwaltet und überwacht die dem HRZ zugewiesenen Haushaltmittel und deren
- Haushalt
- Haushalt Der Bereich Haushalt verwaltet und überwacht die dem Hochschulrechenzentrum (HRZ) zugewiesenen … Die zu verwaltenden Mittel im HRZ sind ein komplexes Gebilde aus Grundfinanzierung, aus zweckgebundenen
- Device recommendation
- Device recommendation When recommending devices, it must first be noted that all services offered by the HRZ … Mobile PCs: Dell Latitude series These devices are fully supported by the HRZ. … An order can only be initiated by the HRZ as certain administrative regulations must be followed. … Components Select the following components: Processor (CPU) Intel CPUs, regarding AMD CPUs the HRZ