Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Communication
- Communication At the Jade University of Applied Sciences, a software solution from Cisco is used in the area of communication systems for telephony, meetings and messages. Telephony Telephone services can be used in hardware as a desk phone or in software with the help of a software client.
- Zeitdienst
- Zeitdienst Das HRZ betreibt in Oldenburg und Wilhelmshaven zwei hochgenaue, per GPS synchronisierte Zeitserver LANTIME M300 der Firma Meinberg. Diese können über das NTP-Protokoll von den Clients genutzt werden. Verwenden Sie diesen Zeitserver:
- DNS The HRZ operates a cluster for the DNS/DHCP service in Wilhelmshaven. The data is dynamically distributed to the client and does not have to be specified manually. In case of a manual configuration, please use this DNS Server: *
- Network
- Network In this section you will find information on the following network services offered: * DNA: Digital Network Architecture * DNS: Domain Name System * NAS: Network Attached Storage * Zeitdienst: Time Service
- Monitoring
- Monitoring For the monitoring of the IT-Systems, the university computing centre uses the product PRTG by the company Paessler. Status des Gesamtsystems
- Pool Rooms
- Pool Rooms The service group Pool Rooms of the Computing Centre (HRZ) is responsible for the three university study locations * 31 Pool rooms with 481 workplaces. * PC-Pools Elsfleth * PC Pools Oldenburg * PC-Pools Wilhelmshaven These workstations are equipped with the Windows 10 operating system and have access to the software offered via the
- Plotting
- Plotting The University Computing Center provides all members and members of the Jade University of Applied Sciences with various devices for plotting. Plotter in the pool rooms of the HRZ In some pool rooms operated by the HRZ, plotters are available whose procurement and operation is not financed by study quality funds. Therefore, these plotters are available to all
- Media Systems
- Media Systems The devices from Extron are used as media controls in the HRZ. These offer the following advantages: * Uniform operating concept * Complete control of the projector on-site (no remote control required) * Access to the master place of the HRZ pool