Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Security
- Security Digital electronic signatures and encryption of files can be used to increase security in the area of data drives. To be able to use these, a digital user certificate is required. During the creation process, a digital key pair is generated which is confirmed by a certification authority. This key pair consists of 2 parts, the private and the public key:
- WebApps
- WebApps The Collaboration Cloud is provided with various functions by so-called web apps, which you can see in the upper area when using the Collaboration Cloud with the help of a web browser. The University Computing Center has installed the following web apps:
- Security
- Security Digital, electronic e-mail signatures and the encryption of e-mails can be used to increase security in the e-mail sector. To be able to use these, a digital user certificate is required. During the creation process, a digital key pair is generated which is confirmed by a certification authority. This key pair consists of 2 parts, the private and the public key:
- WLAN / Wi-Fi
- WLAN / Wi-Fi The computing centre of the Jade University offers all university members the use of wireless LAN (WLAN / Wi-Fi) via the eduroam procedure. eduroam is a worldwide infrastructure for WLAN / Wi-Fi access. With the uniformly used SSID “eduroam”, a member of a participating organization can use WLAN / Wi-Fi access with all other eduroam participants.
- Drive Concept
- Folder: X:\HRZ-Support\ Under this folder, the computing centre provides you with different files to
- Shared Mailboxes
- Shared Mailboxes In the Microsoft Exchange system, it is possible to set up a mailbox as a shared mailbox. This blocks direct access to this mailbox, but at the same time grants full access and sending rights to responsible persons or groups. Set-up instructions for common e-mail clients and end devices
- Kopier- und Druckterminalliste
- Kopier- und Druckterminalliste Standort Elsfleth Aufstellungsort MF-Gerät Terminal An der Weinkaije 3, 5505ci ELS-UTAX-1 ELS-Smart1-201 Weserstr. 52, 1.OG, Foyer, CD1242 ELS-UTAX-2 ELS-Smart1-202
- FAQ Auf dieser Seite sind einige Hinweise zu häufigen Fragen gelistet. Meldung "Der Microsoft Exchange-Administrator hat ..." Frage: Ich erhalte bei Microsoft Outlook die angezeigte Meldung und anschließend ist die Verbindung zu meinem Postfach getrennt. Was muss ich tun?
- Spam- und Virenschutz
- Spam- und Virenschutz Zur Abwehr von Spam- und Viren E-Mails setzt das Hochschulrechenzentrum wirkungsvolle E-Mail Filter ein. Es handelt sich um Sophos Pure Message Systeme, die täglich mehrfach aktualisiert werden, so dass eine hohe Erkennungsrate gewährleistet ist.
- Statusmonitor
- Statusmonitor