Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Department / Lab Server
- Department / Lab Server For the integration of a self-administered server, the University Computer Center (HRZ) offers the possibility of connection to the network infrastructure of the Jade University of Applied Sciences. To realize this, a setup in the following form is mandatory:
- End of Contract
- End of Contract As already described in the Life Cycle, at the end of your employment with the Jade University, the user account will be blocked within a predetermined period of time. The user account will then be permanently deleted after a further deadline.
- Imaging
- Imaging Imaging makes it possible to install a computer's operating system fully automatically via the network. The computer only needs to be connected to the network by cable and a so-called PXE boot process - this is the network-based loading process of a rudimentary boot kernel - must be set in the BIOS.
- Video Control
- Video Control List of currently controlled rooms including camera equipment: Room Camera OL, HB1 I-6 SNC-B5399P (SD) OL, HB1 I-7 SNC-B5399P (SD) OL, HB1 I-8 SNC-B5399P (SD) OL, ZA 222 SNC-B5399P (SD)
- Life Cycle
- Life Cycle The creation of user accounts is carried out * for employees by the units * Department 1 - Personnel and Legal Affairs - Dept. 1.1 - Personnel Matters - 1.1.1 - Employees covered by collective agreements * Department 1 - Human Resources and Legal Affairs - Dept. 1.1 - Personnel Affairs - 1.1.2 - Civil Servants * for students from the unit * Department 3.1 - Student Affairs and transferred to the systems of the University Computer Center. The deletion of user accounts…
- Netzlaufwerke
- Vorarbeit: Start / Computer: Eigenschaften / Einstellungen für Computernamen, Domäne und Arbeitsgruppe
- Microsoft Outlook für Mac 2019
- oder neuer Sie verfügen über ein E-Mail-Konto auf dem Exchange-System der Jade Hochschule Erster Start