Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Sophos
- Sophos Sophos Campus The Jade University is a participant of the Sophos state contract. * Authorized users: University members * Products: * Sophos Endpoint Security and Control * Operating Systems: * Apple macOS * Microsoft Windows * Linux on Intel and AMD64
- Service Status
- Service Status Status display
- Library Card
- Library Card The barcode number of the CampusCard is a valid library card, which can be activated in the following libraries: * Library of the Jade University * Library of the University Emden/Leer
- Encryption
- Encryption Description The connection to the Collaboration Cloud Storage environment always happens in an encrypted form, regardless of the chosen access path. This means that nobody between your end device and the CCS server environment can have an insight into your saved data or used passwords. However, the
- Authentication
- Authentication The following authentication methods are available in IT systems: Local authentication IT systems with the local authentication (LA) method manage the credentials locally on the system. On this type of IT system, a combination of user name & password must therefore be generated and maintained, users & users thus
- Monitoring
- Monitoring For the monitoring of the IT-Systems, the university computing centre uses the product PRTG by the company Paessler. * Status of the overall system
- Wallet
- Wallet The integrated wallet allows cashless payment on the campus. All areas of payment for the CampusCard will be developped and equipped in the following order: * Library Dues * Cafeteria * Canteen * Multifunctional Devices * Vending Machines Recharging the Wallet
- Semesterticket
- Semesterticket Change for winter semester 2024 / Introduction of the DeutschlandTicket for students The introduction of the DeutschlandTicket means that after re-registration, the validity period of the imprint on the left - SemesterTicket - will no longer be extended.
- Changeover of the core components
- Changeover of the core components From 12.08.24 to 16.08.24 a changeover of the network infrastructure will take place, please note the following information: Day Project Outages
- Status Monitor
- Status Monitor