Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- WebApps
- WebApps The Collaboration Cloud can be expanded through so-called apps with different functions. The university computing centre installed some apps (which seemed useful). However, they are not activated by default. * Calendar (not activated) * Contacts (not activated)
- Security
- Security Digital electronic signatures and encryption of files can be used to increase security in the area of data drives. To be able to use these, a digital user certificate is required. During the creation process, a digital key pair is generated which is confirmed by a certification authority. This key pair consists of 2 parts, the private and the public key:
- Security
- Security Digital electronic signatures and encryption of files can be used to increase security in the area of data drives. To be able to use these, a digital user certificate is required. During the creation process, a digital key pair is generated which is confirmed by a certification authority. This key pair consists of 2 parts, the private and the public key:
- WebApps
- WebApps The Collaboration Cloud is provided with various functions by so-called web apps, which you can see in the upper area when using the Collaboration Cloud with the help of a web browser. The University Computing Center has installed the following web apps:
- WLAN / Wi-Fi
- WLAN / Wi-Fi The computing centre of the Jade University offers all university members the use of wireless LAN (WLAN / Wi-Fi) via the eduroam procedure. eduroam is a worldwide infrastructure for WLAN / Wi-Fi access. With the uniformly used SSID “eduroam”, a member of a participating organization can use WLAN / Wi-Fi access with all other eduroam participants.
- Time Recording
- Time Recording At Jade University, working hours are recorded for certain groups of employees using the “Prime WebSystems” product from Primion Technology AG. If you have any questions about the content of your time registration account, please contact your responsible HR officer.
- Kopier- und Druckterminalliste
- Kopier- und Druckterminalliste Standort Elsfleth Aufstellungsort MF-Gerät Terminal An der Weinkaije 3, 5505ci ELS-UTAX-1 ELS-Smart1-201 Weserstr. 52, 1.OG, Foyer, CD1242 ELS-UTAX-2 ELS-Smart1-202
- Zugangsberechtigung
- Zugangsberechtigung Die CampusCard hat eine integrierte Zugangskontrollfunktion, welche an allen Studienorten zum Einsatz kommt. Dazu zählen die Parkplatznutzung am Studienort Oldenburg sowie der Zugang zu Gebäuden und Räumen. Die Berechtigungen werden nicht vom HRZ verwaltet, sondern müssen über das
- WebDAV
- WebDAV Mit Hilfe eines WebDAV-Clients (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) können Hochschulangehörige und -mitglieder komfortabel im Dateimanager auf die Daten in der Collaboration Cloud der Jade Hochschule zugreifen. Verwenden Sie diese Zugriffsmöglichkeit mit Vorsicht: WebDAV Clients beherrschen in einigen Fällen das sogenannte