Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Service-Status
- Service-Status
- Linux
- Linux Preparations * Installation of the packages * python3-smbc * smbclient / samba-client * system-config-printer * configuration of the file /etc/samba/smb.conf * workgroup = HS-WOE * reboot the device plotter Device: Depending on distribution: system-config-printer / printer or print settings (system-config-printer)
- Adobe
- Adobe License agreement Jade University participates in the Adobe ETLA Campus contract on an FTE (Full Time Equivalent) basis through the Federal Master Agreement. ---------- Running time: The contract started on 01 December 2021 and has a term of 4 years until the end of November 2025.
- Device recommendation
- Device recommendation When recommending devices, it must first be noted that all services offered by the HRZ are initially primarily geared towards operation with a Microsoft operating system. Increasingly, operating systems from Apple and the respective Linux distributions are also supported, but full functionality cannot always be guaranteed here.
- Server maintenance
- Server maintenance For reasons of operational safety, all IT technical systems of the HRZ are subject to maintenance. A distinction must be made between regular maintenance and security-critical updates: * Regular maintenance: These are updates to be installed on a regular basis that fix bugs and possibly extend the range of functions.
- Procurement
- Procurement The computing centre supports the departments, the administration and the central facilities in the procurement of IT-technical devices and software. Framework agreements exist with the following companies: * Dell (PC, monitor, notebook, server)
- Statements
- Statements The university computing centre has to coordinate IT procurement. For reasons of compatibility and support for IT users, IT procurement in the entire minor range up to € 1,000.00 (total value excluding VAT) should be coordinated with the university computer centre in advance. The written opinion generated must be attached to the process. Statements are required for:
- Printing
- Printing The university computing centre provides all members and relatives of the Jade University with various devices for printing. The university computing centre configures * the departments * the central facilities * the administration procured printers in the network and makes them available to members of the university according to their specifications.
- Authentication
- Authentication The following authentication methods are available in IT systems: Local authentication IT systems with the local authentication (LA) method manage the credentials locally on the system. On this type of IT system, a combination of user name & password must therefore be generated and maintained, users & users thus