Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Server certificates
- Server certificates Variables: * <server name>: The server name including domain, e.g. * <date>: The date in ISO format, e.g. 20220326. Public server certificates create CSR # Create folder <server name> and change to folder mkdir <server name> cd <Servername> # # create Key openssl genrsa -out GEANT_OV_RSA_CA_4-<Servername>-<date>-key.pem 4096 # # CSR erzeugen openssl req -new -key GEANT_OV_RSA_CA_4-<Servername>-<date>-key.pem -out GEANT_OV_RSA_CA_4-<Servername>-<d…
- Certification authorities
- niversity Computer Centre, in cooperation with the DFN, offers a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) which enables the following services: * User certificates: * Signing and encryption of files and documents * Signing and encryption of emails * Group certificates: * Signing and encryption of emails * Server certificates: * Bug-proof network connections via SSL/TLSTLS
- eCampus
- eCampus The University Computer Centre runs the technical operation of the Jade eCampus. Click here to go to the Jade eCampus homepage. Information on the topics of application, programme management and examination management can be found in the FAQs.
- E-Mail The computing centre of the Jade University runs a Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 System as an enterprise-messaging-platform. This is done to meet the demand for flexibility and mobility in the field of e-mail management, contact management, calendar management and the management of tasks.
- FAQ This page shows some remarks and answers to frequently asked questions. Notification "The Microsoft Exchange admin has...“ Question: I received the pictured notification in Microsoft Outlook and after that, the connection to my inbox was interrupted. What am I supposed to do?
- Distribution lists
- Distribution lists Use of e-mail distribution lists University members and staff of the Jade University can send e-mails to various user groups via e-mail distribution lists. An overview and more details about the lists can be found on the Sympa server: <>. user group E-Mail distribution list
- Status Monitor
- Status Monitor
- Multifunction Devices
- Multifunction Devices All over the campus, you will find multifunction devices that you can use to print, copy and scan documents. The devices are available to all members of the university and use is subject to a fee. Features Members of the Jade University can use the following functions on the multifunction devices (MFG):
- SAP SAP is used as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system at the Jade University. SAP in university administration The Jade University joined the Lower Saxony University Competence Center for SAP (CCC Hannover) in 2009: The tasks of an SAP CCC include a qualified technical and technical support concept (support desk) for the SAP applications used, internal marketing and information management, and contract administration and the coordination of development applications to SAP AG or the…
- Moodle
- Moodle In the area of learning management, Jade University of Applied Sciences uses the open-source learning platform Moodle from the company eLeDia. The university computer centre is responsible for the technical operation of the system. The institutions using the system are responsible for the content.