Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Moodle
- Moodle Im Bereich Lernmanagement benutzt die Jade Hochschule die Open-Source Lernplattform Moodle der Firma eLeDia. Das Hochschulrechenzentrum übernimmt dabei den technischen Betrieb des Systems. Inhaltlich sind die nutzenden Einrichtungen verantwortlich. Hier geht es zum
- Regulations & Contracts
- Regulations & Contracts This page describes the basis on which one can be granted or deprived of access to the IT systems of the Jade University. ---------- Guidelines ---------- Lower Saxony Law of Universities of Applied Sciences The legal basis of all guidelines is the
- Budget
- Budget The Budget Division manages and monitors the budget funds allocated to the HRZ and their use.
- Institute support
- Institute support In a special assignment on the instructions of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture, the HRZ takes over the conceptual support and, via separately allocated funds, also the executive support of the IT systems at the local research institutes IfV and NIhK.
- Management
- Management The University Computer Centre at Jade University of Applied Sciences is managed by * Organisational Unit Management: Ulrich Hauptmann * Organisational Unit Management (deputy): Guido Manemann The management area is responsible for the Organisation and the Budget of the University Computer Centre, as well as the project planning of the services provided.
- Server certificates
- Server certificates Variables: * <server name>: The server name including domain, e.g. * <date>: The date in ISO format, e.g. 20220326. Public server certificates create CSR # Create folder <server name> and change to folder mkdir <server name> cd <Servername> # # create Key openssl genrsa -out GEANT_OV_RSA_CA_4-<Servername>-<date>-key.pem 4096 # # CSR erzeugen openssl req -new -key GEANT_OV_RSA_CA_4-<Servername>-<date>-key.pem -out GEANT_OV_RSA_CA_4-<Servername>-<d…
- Distribution lists
- Distribution lists Use of e-mail distribution lists University members and staff of the Jade University can send e-mails to various user groups via e-mail distribution lists. An overview and more details about the lists can be found on the Sympa server: <>. user group E-Mail distribution list
- Status Monitor
- Status Monitor
- Service-Status
- Service-Status
- Linux
- Linux Preparations * Installation of the packages * python3-smbc * smbclient / samba-client * system-config-printer * configuration of the file /etc/samba/smb.conf * workgroup = HS-WOE * reboot the device plotter Device: Depending on distribution: system-config-printer / printer or print settings (system-config-printer)