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- Cleopatra
- If you like you can donate to Gpg4win, but you can also start the download by selecting „0€“.
- Cleopatra
- If you like you can donate for Gpg4win, but you can also start the download by selecting „0€“.
- Deck
- Deck Beschreibung Die Web-App Deck ist ein Organisations Tool im Kanban Stil, das auf persönliche Planung und Projektorganisation in Teams ausgerichtet ist. * 📥 Notieren Sie Ihre Aufgaben auf Karten und organisieren Sie sie kategorisch * 📄 Fügen Sie zusätzliche Notizen in Markdown hinzu
- Mobile devices
- Mobile devices On mobile devices (smartphones, tablets), it is not possible to integrate a shared mailbox as an Exchange mailbox. Here, the mailbox can „only“ be integrated as an IMAP mailbox for e-mail retrieval. The following settings must then be made for the mailbox:
- Google Gmail (Android)
- Google Gmail (Android) Requirements * Operation System: Google Android 6.x or newer (suggested) * You own an e-mail account in the Exchange System of the Jade University Setting Up an E-Mail Account To set up a new e-mail account on your android device, go to
- Apple macOS - Mail
- Apple macOS - Mail Prerequisites * Correct setup of the e-mail client Apple macOS - Mail * Correct integration of the Certification authorities into the operating system. * Valid digital User certificate integrated into the operating system. Configuration No further configuration is required for the Mail application, you can now sign any e-mail. If you have the public key of your communication partner, you can also encrypt any e-mail.