Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Video Conference
- Video Conference As a member of the Jade University, you have access to the following video conference systems: Cisco Webex The Jade University provides Cisco Webex and Cisco Webex Teams. You can find a manual here. Zoom Meetings The documentation of Zoom you find in
- Desktop Clients
- Start the Nextcloud desktop client by double-clicking on the file and set it up as described in the Microsoft
- Group certificates
- Windows certificate store, you must import your digital certificate into this central certificate store: Start
- Microsoft Outlook 2016/2019
- Configuration Step 1: Microsoft Outlook needs to know which digital user certificate to use and how: Start
- Group certificates
- Windows certificate store, you must import your digital certificate into this central certificate store: Start
- Encryption
- Encryption Description The connection to the Collaboration Cloud Storage environment always happens in an encrypted form, regardless of the chosen access path. This means that nobody between your end device and the CCS server environment can have an insight into your saved data or used passwords. However, the
- Virtuelle Maschinen
- Virtuelle Maschinen Der Betrieb von virtuellen Maschinen auf Ihrem Host ist unter Einhaltung einiger Regeln möglich. Bitte beachten Sie jedoch folgende Hinweise: * Sie müssen für Ihre virtuellen Maschinen über eine gültige Betriebssystem-Lizenz verfügen.
- Network drives
- Preparation: Start / Computer: Properties / Settings for computer name, domain and workgroup / Change