Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Benutzerkonten
- seitens des HRZ E-Mail Anschreiben an die umzustellende Person senden Abfrage: Nutzung der Academic Cloud
- Certification authorities
- Start → Manage Computer Certificates (type in) Certificates - Local Computer Trusted Root Certification
- PC-Installation
- system and copy the executable UEFI BIOS file to this data carrier Connect the USB stick to the device Start
- Einrichtung von E-Mail Clients
- IMAP Posteingangsserver: Posteingangsserver-Port: 143 Verschlüsselungsmethode: (START … TLS Postausgangsserver: Postausgangsserver-Port: 587 Verschlüsselungsmethode: (START
- Google Gmail (Android)
- Dort gehen Sie dann (herstellerabhängig) auf: Cloud und Konten und anschließend auf Konten oder Konten
- Certification authorities
- niversity Computer Centre, in cooperation with the DFN, offers a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) which enables the following services: * User certificates: * Signing and encryption of files and documents * Signing and encryption of emails * Group certificates: * Signing and encryption of emails * Server certificates: * Bug-proof network connections via SSL/TLSTLS
- eCampus
- eCampus The University Computer Centre runs the technical operation of the Jade eCampus. Click here to go to the Jade eCampus homepage. Information on the topics of application, programme management and examination management can be found in the FAQs.